Nobody knows and understands the Amazon Vendor Business like we do!
Whether it’s Chargebacks, Shortage Claims or Price Claims: when it comes to Amazon costs and unjustified deductions, we are happy to put a stop to them. We work diligently on behalf of all our customers worldwide. Over 330 Amazon vendors trust us and our software to reduce costs.
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Baros Blog Top 3 Articles
Amazon vendors lose up to 10% of their sales due to chargebacks and shortage claims!
If goods "disappear" on the way to the warehouse, are "overlooked" in the incoming goods department, or the goods were "actually" not shipped, Amazon promptly asserts invoice reductions through so-called shortage claims! So even if the goods have arrived at Amazon, in our experience, vendors can lose up to 10 percent of their sales through this process! The subsequent investigation of causes and the management of objections are usually complex and intransparent - and thus often fall by the wayside.
First Amazon Vendor Executive Roundtable
Thursday, November 30th, BAROS invited customers and friends to the first roundtable for Amazon Vendor Specialists & Executives. In a very relaxing atmosphere, 25 participants met for dinner and drinks in the wine cellar of the Mussumer Krug in Bocholt. In addition to food and drinks, there was a lot of discussion and exchange of ideas.
Help to reduce SIOC Chargebacks for Amazon Vendors
We have noticed that for the majority of our 1P Vendor customers, Chargebacks for SIOC (Shipping in Own Container / products received that have not been certified by Amazon’s Frustration-Free Certification Program) result in high costs. In many cases, this is the second-highest type of Chargeback cost incurred, typically behind PO On Time Accuracy.
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